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2011 AACC Annual Meeting

Meeting Abstract - Poster Presentation

Effects of additives on yellow pea gluten-free pasta processing parameters and products quality
C. SIMONS (1), T. Jeradechachai (2), F. A. Manthey (1), C. Hall (1)
(1) North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, U.S.A.; (2) Northern Crops Institute, Fargo, ND, U.S.A.
Cereal Foods World 56:A64

Gluten free (GF) pastas available commercially are low in protein and dietary fiber. GF flour from leguminous crops, such as peas (Pisum sativum), have high protein and dietary fiber. To determine suitability of yellow pea (YP) flour for making GF macaroni, the effects of additives on the product quality and processing parameters were studied. Commercial pre-gelatinized YP flour was treated with distilled monoglycerides (DM), egg white (EW), xanthan gum (XG), and a combination of the three additives (COM). Texture analysis, cooking properties, moisture, and color were determined. Pasting properties were determined on raw flour and ground pasta. LSD statistical test were conducted to verify differences. All gluten free pastas had significantly darker color (L*) and less yellowness (b*), compared to control durum pasta (P < 0.05). Raw YP flour had a 3-fold lower pasting property compared to the ground YP macaroni. Compared to the control YP and durum macaroni, all additives significantly reduced pasting temperature and XG, DM, and COM decreased peak time (P < 0.05). YP flours had significantly (P < 0.05) lower extrusion rates than control durum flour during extrusion. XG increased extrusion rate compared to other treatments. Extrusion pressure, temperature, and amperage were not significantly different (P > 0.05) between treatments. YP pastas had higher cooking loss (15.1%) compared to control durum pasta (3.6%). XG reduced cooking loss of YP pasta to 12.1%, while COM increased cooking loss of YP pasta to 17.7%. XG, DM, and COM resulted in similar firmness value compared to control durum pasta (P > 0.05). Among all treatments, XG had the most beneficial effects on GF macaroni made from YP. COM decreased the product quality. Gelatinized YP is suitable for making GF macaroni however; high cooking loss is a challenge. Inclusion of higher concentration of additives is recommended.

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