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Cereal Chem 37:593 - 602.  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Milling Properties of Wheat in Relation to Pearling, Scouring, and Impaction.

G. M. Grosh, J. A. Shellenberger, and E. P. Farrell. Copyright 1960 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. 

Pearled hard red winter wheat when experimentally milled gave a higher-ash flour than unpearled wheat. It was possible to effect relatively clean removal of the outer pericarp from the wheat kernel by scouring, but this peeling adversely affected subsequent milling results. Samples of Ponca wheat were tempered to 14 or 16.5% or untempered, allowed to stand for 0, 4, 12, or 24 hours, and impacted on a 27-in. Entoleter at 1,600, 2,000, or 2,400 r.p.m. It was possible with both Ponca seed and a commercial hard winter wheat to effect a 0.028% decrease (7 to 9% of the flour ash) in ash content of 60% extraction flour by prebreak impaction of tempered wheat just prior to milling, using a 27-in.-diameter impact machine at 2,400 r.p.m. Prebreak impaction studies with soft wheat indicated no significant improvement in experimental milling results.

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