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Cereal Chem 37:683 - 709.  |  VIEW ARTICLE

Studies on the Effect of Flour-Fraction Interchange upon Cake Quality.

D. H. Donelson and J. T. Wilson. Copyright 1960 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. 

A good-quality unbleached cake flour and a poor-quality cake flour were fractionated into water-solubles, gluten, starch tailings, and prime starch. Fractions were combined to form reconstituted flours comprising complete interchanges of the components at the composition of each flour. These reconstituted flours were bleached, and layer cakes were baked using a lean (no milk or eggs, high sugar) formulation. The contributions to cake volume of the gluten, water-solubles, and tailings fractions obtained from the good flour were significantly greater than, and the effects on gross cake structure with these fractions were superior to, those of the corresponding fractions obtained from the poor flour. The prime starch from the poor flour was significantly superior to that of the good flour. Gluten had the greatest effect on cake volume and structure. Interactions of gluten times composition and water-solubles times tailings times composition were highly significant, which indicated considerable variation of the responses to these flour components with concentration. It was suggested that the expression of these quality factors may be contingent upon an inherent quality aspect, related to the physical and chemical constitution of each factor, and upon a concentration dependence, related to the percent composition of the flour.

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