L. Wiseblatt. Copyright 1960 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. The volatile aliphatic acids found in fermented dough, bread, and oven vapors, with their concentrations as estimated by vapor-phase chromatography, are (milligrams per thousand grams of flour basis): acetic 198, 150, 15; n-butyric, 23.1, 10.6, 0; isovaleric, 13.1, 6.1, 0; n-caproic, 6.2, 0, 0. The acids comprise only those which are steam-distillable from fermented dough and bread extracts, and that found in oven vapors. The amounts in the bread and oven gases do not add up to the corresponding amounts in dough, leading to speculation regarding the fates of the dough acids during baking. |