Cereal Chem 38:84 - 93. | VIEW
Wet-Milling High-Amylose Corn Containing 66- to 68-Percent-Amylose Starch.
R. A. Anderson, C. Vojnovich, and E. L. Griffin, Jr. Copyright 1961 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
High-amylose corn lots with starch containing up to 68% amylose, obtained from two corn breeders, were wet-milled on a laboratory and pilot-plant scale, to gather information pertinent to the genetic development of this new corn. Processing characteristics of an inbred sample with starch of 68% amylose content were poorer than those observed in the wet-milling of corn with lower amylose contents. Another corn sample, a hybrid with starch containing 66.7% amylose, exhibited extremely good wet-milling characteristics, contrary to a previously apparent pattern of increasingly poor processing as the amylose content of corn increased. The recovery of 82.7% of the starch present was over 10% greater than the amount recovered from corn containing 57%-amylose starch. The 0.48% protein content of the starch recovered from the 66.7%-amylose corn is comparable to that of ordinary corn starch. Differences in genetic background probably account for the marked improvement in processing characteristics of this new corn.