Cereal Chem 38:207 - 220. | VIEW
Preparation and Properties of Galactosylisomaltol and Isomaltol.
J. E. Hodge and E. C. Nelson. Copyright 1961 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Isomaltol, an enolic compound (C6H6O[3]), first isolated in trace amounts by Backe in 1910 from a steam distillate of bread, is now prepared from lactose in 25% over-all yield. Dehydration of the glucose moiety of lactose by reaction with secondary amine salt in tertiary amine-buffered alcoholic medium yields the new compound, isomaltol beta-D-galactoside, which is hydrolyzed or pyrolyzed to produce Backe's isomaltol. Reaction of maltose with piperidine acetate under the same conditions yields 1-deoxy-1-piperidino- maltulose. This new Amadori compound does not dehydrate to a glucoside of isomaltol analogous to the lactose reaction. Comparison of the properties of isomaltol with those of maltol under identical conditions shows that isomaltol is not a pyrone but probably a furan derivative. Isomaltol and maltol probably are formed in bread by Maillard-type browning reactions, and not by fermentation, as Backe assumed.