Cereal Chem 38:221 - 228. | VIEW
Flavor of Bread and Pastry upon Addition of Maltol, Isomaltol, and Galactosylisomaltol.
J. E. Hodge and H. A. Moser. Copyright 1961 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A chemical method of preparing isomaltol developed recently in the Northern Laboratory has permitted for the first time extensive investigation of this compound. Similarity of the odor of isomaltol to the fragrant, caramel-like odor of maltol prompted a flavor comparison of the two compounds in aqueous and breadlike media. Both compounds have been reported as minor constituents of bread. Taste panel results show that maltol and isomaltol give similar caramel-like flavors, sometimes described as fruity. Isomaltol is generally described as sweeter, less bitter, weaker, and, at times, less pleasant than maltol. When each is incorporated in yeast rolls at 0.1% of the flour weight, flavor difference in the breads is frequently detected. The flavor is described as similar to that of the control fresh bread, only stronger. Isomaltol is the more volatile, and much of it is lost during baking. The beta-D-galactoside of isomaltol, easily prepared from milk sugar, has a bitter taste. In fermenting doughs, it is split into isomaltol and galactose and, in some baking pastries, by heat and moisture. Pie crust that contained 0.5% O-galactosylisomaltol before baking was preferred by tasters over the control.