Cereal Chem 38:349 - 355. | VIEW
Microtests for Flour Quality.
H. R. Elling and M. A. Barmore. Copyright 1961 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Flour quality characteristics are predicted from tests using 0.4 g. of the coarse flour available from a 5-g. micromill. Strength, i.e., loaf volume and cookie diameter, are predicted from the relation of the gas- retention properties of a fermenting dough made from the flour extracted with a dilute sodium chloride- potassium bromate solution compared to that made from the unextracted flour. Mixing time is determined on a grooved spindle rotating in a close-fitting glass tube. Absorption is determined from the water retained, after centrifuging, in the flour extraction procedure. The predictions are based on the highly significant correlations of the results of the microtests with those obtained from well-known varieties by conventional experimental baking laboratory methods.