Cereal Chem 38:386 - 390. | VIEW
Conversion of Constant-Flour Farinograph Absorption to Constant-Dough Basis.
I. Hlynka, F. D. Kuzina, and W. C. Shuey. Copyright 1961 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The relation between the amount of water used in preparing farinograms by the constant-dough method (WCD) and the water in the constant-flour method (WCF) is formulated as WCD = WCF (80/DCF) + K (80 - DCF) where DCF denotes the dough weight in the constant-flour method, 80 is the dough weight in the constant-dough weight method (small bowl), and K is a constant. An identical equation may be written for the large bowl with 480 replacing 80 as the constant weight of dough. The proportionality constant K was evaluated experimentally and was found to be 0.05. The same constant was found to apply for the large and the small bowl and for different classes of flour. With this constant and equation, farinograph absorptions obtained by the constant-flour method can be readily converted to the constant-dough basis.