Cereal Chem 39:132 - 144. | VIEW
Characterization Studies on the Soluble Proteins and Pentosans of Cake Flour.
J. Holme. Copyright 1962 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Bleached cake flour (1.32% nitrogen; 14% moisture basis) has been extracted by various aqueous solvent systems to determine the percentage of the total flour protein solubilized under each condition. The effect of factors such as solvent:flour ratio, mixing time, pH, ionic strength, and alcohol concentration upon the amount of soluble protein has been determined. The albumin content of the flour represents about 10% of the total flour protein. The aqueous extracts contain soluble proteins in addition to the protein. The constituents have been isolated by salt fractionation techniques and characterized by moving boundary electrophoresis and ultracentrifugation. The pentosan fraction (containing about 5% protein) appears to be homogeneous in electrophoresis and sedimentation. The albumin fraction contains at least five electrophoretic components which are also polydisperse in sedimentation characteristics.