Cereal Chem 39:195 - 203. | VIEW
A Rapid Method for the Extraction of Lipids from Wheat Products.
C. C. Tsen, I. Levi, and I. Hlynka. Copyright 1962 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A rapid method of extracting lipids from animal tissues by means of phase partition of a ternary mixture of chloroform, methyl alcohol, and water was proposed originally by Folch et al. (J. Biol. Chem. 226:497-509; 1957). The method has been adapted in this study for the extraction of lipids from wheat products. The modified method is especially useful for studies in which it is necessary to isolate the lipids with minimum changes. The method extracts practically the same amount of lipids from flour and from a corresponding dough or dried dough. For the estimation of lipid content of wheat products, it yields results comparable with those obtained by ethyl or water-saturated n-butyl alcohol extractions or by acid hydrolysis extractions, but gives higher lipid values than petroleum-ether extractions.