Cereal Chem 39:282 - 285. | VIEW
Composition of the Component Parts of Two Hybrid High-Amylose Corns.
R. A. Anderson, D. E. Uhl, W. L. Deatherage, and E. L. Griffin, Jr. Copyright 1962 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A chemical analysis of the component parts-endosperm, germ, and bran-of two potentially industrial high- amylose corn hybrids and ordinary dent corn revealed several significant differences. Samples of 57- and 67%-amylose corns had more protein and oil and less starch than ordinary corn. The quantity of endosperm from the high-amylose corns was less than from the ordinary corn, and their protein and fat contents were greater, while their starch contents were less. No outstanding differences were noted in the composition of the germ fractions. More bran was obtained from the two high-amylose corns, and their protein and fat contents were somewhat greater than noted in ordinary corn bran. As the high-amylose corn breeding program progresses, it is believed that by breeding, the quantity and composition of the component parts of high-amylose corn will become more like those of ordinary dent corn.