Cereal Chem 39:286 - 303. | VIEW
Influence of Temperature, Speed of Mixing, and Salt on Some Rheological Properties of Dough in the Farinograph.
I. Hlynka. Copyright 1962 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The relations between temperature and dough mobility in the farinograph, and also between temperature and absorption were found to be approximately linear. There is a change of 0.047 in mobility (12% B.U. at consistency of 500) and 0.52% in absorption per 1 C. The activation energy of dough mobility is of the order of 4 kcal. per mol. Dough development time was found to increase by 0.39 minutes per 1 C. fall. At constant maximum dough consistency, a higher speed of mixing, 44 to 154 r.p.m., gave a higher apparent consistency or farinograph absorption. The logarithm (or square root) of mixing speed vs. consistency gave a linear function. For constant consistency or absorption the reciprocal of mixing speed was linearly related to dough development time. Dough consistency and development time are also linearly related with speed held constant. When dough consistency was 500 B.U., 1% salt in dough produced a decrease in absorption of 2.3%; 2% salt produced a decrease of 3%. Similarly at 60% absorption, 1% salt decreased consistency by 70 and 2% salt by 90 B.U. At 500 B.U. the increase in dough development time was about 0.5 minute for each 1% salt in the flour studied.