Cereal Chem 39:372 - 380. | VIEW
Milling Losses Caused by Insect Infestation of Wheat.
E. A. R. Liscombe. Copyright 1962 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Wheat infested at a level of 41 internal forms per 100 g. of dirty wheat lost 1.1% of its weight due to insect feeding during a storage period of ll weeks. The Entoleter-scourer aspirator used in the cleaning of infested wheat prior to milling reduced the number of insect-infested kernels by 40%. Insect fragment counts and ash levels increased as flour grade was lowered. Milling a straight grade flour of 0.48% ash from wheat infested with 41 internal forms per 100 g. of dirty wheat resulted in 4.5 lbs. less flour per 100 lbs. of wheat than was obtained from comparable noninfested wheat.