Cereal Chem 39:389 - 392. | VIEW
Carotenoids of Corn and Sorghum. II. Carotenoid Loss in Yellow-Endosperm Sorghum Grain During Weathering.
C. W. Blessin, R. J. Dimler, and O. J. Webster. Copyright 1962 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
When exposed to weathering after pollination, sorghum retained only 50% of the carotenoids present in protected seed heads. Carotenes and xanthophylls decreased continuously, with no preferential loss of individual carotenoids. The presence of red pigments in the pericarp did not inhibit loss of carotenoids. The adverse effect of weathering on yellow-endosperm sorghum grain is a majors problem in the program for breeding high-carotenoid sorghums.