Cereal Chem 40:18 - 30. | VIEW
Production of Fodder Yeast from Barley. I. Preliminary Studies on the Use of the Waldhof Fermentor.
K. J. Goering and M. J. Houle. Copyright 1963 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A severe shortage of protein in Montana has stimulated interest in converting inexpensive carbohydrate and fertilizer-grade nitrogen into yeast protein. With the use of barley, yeast yields of over 50% dry yeast, based on initial carbohydrate in the barley used, have been obtained in a continuous fermentation by the use of a Waldhof fermentor. The effect of feeding rate, rate of aeration, nitrogen concentration, phosphate concentration, and reuse of spent beer on yield and protein content of yeast has been studied. Of the four yeasts studied, Candida utilis appears best adapted for use in this unit.