Cereal Chem 40:129 - 136. | VIEW
Moisture Contents of Hard Red Winter Wheat as Determined by Meters and by Oven Drying, and Influence of Small Differences in Moisture Content upon Subsequent Deterioration of the Grain in Storage.
C. M. Christensen and P. Linko. Copyright 1963 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Samples of hard red winter wheat from commercial bins were stored in the laboratory and periodically tested. In the range between 14.0% and 15.5% moisture content, a difference of less than l% in moisture content made a great difference in the growth of Aspergillus restrictus, in germ discoloration, viability, and biochemical characteristics. Moisture content as determined by any one meter on any one sample differed by as much as plus or minus 1% from moisture content determined by oven drying. The Weston meter gave consistently low readings. Extensive deterioration occurred in mixed or blended lots whose moisture content according to the Weston meter was 14.0% or below but whose moisture content by oven drying was 14.9% or above Inaccurate measurement of moisture content may be responsible for unexpected cases of spoilage in commercially stored grain. Accurate measurement of moisture content, plus determinations of numbers and kinds of storage fungi and of other biochemical properties may aid greatly in evaluating condition and storability of grain.