Cereal Chem 40:169 - 174. | VIEW
The Acid-Extracted Pentosan Content of Wheat as a Measure of Milling Quality of Pacific Northwest Wheats.
P. H. Weswig, W. H. Foote, and G. R. Drusts. Copyright 1963 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The determination of the acid-extracted pentosan content of wheat was examined critically to see if it would serve as a routine index for milling quality. It was found that the reproducibility of the analysis for the pentosan content was related to sample weight, grinding tube clearance, grinding speed and time, and extraction time and temperature. Photometric measurements involving the orcinol procedure for the determination of pentosan using different instruments, aliquots or dilutions, and other laboratory techniques were in good agreement. The procedure for this determination is fully described and demonstrated to be satisfactory for routine analysis. The correlation coefficient between the pentosan value and milling score was -0.74 and -0.84 for selected winter and spring wheats respectively. The correlation coefficients between pentosan and flour yield, bran weight, and bran cleanup were significant at the l% level.