Cereal Chem 40:423 - 429. | VIEW
Corn Dry-Milling: Effects of First-Temper Moisture, Screen Perforation, and Rotor Speed on Beall Degerminator Throughput and Products.
O. L. Brekke, L. A. Weinecke, J. N. Boyd, and E. L. Griffin, Jr.. Copyright 1963 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A statistically planned series of pilot-plant experiments on a single lot of yellow dent, hybrid corn provided quantitative data on effects of three variables upon degerminator throughput, product yields, and product characteristics. The largest screen perforations (18/64 vs. 16/64 or 14/64 in.) gave highest throughput, maximum yield of -3 1/2+6-mesh grits, and minimum yield of fractions in the -6+50-mesh range, but gave a high fat content for the -3 1/2+6 grits. Increasing the first-temper moisture (24 vs. 21 or 18%) also increased throughput and hull release but lowered the fat content and yield of the -3 1/2+6 grits while increasing the amount of undesirable fines. High throughput came with the highest rotor speed (880 vs. 785 or 690 r.p.m.) but at reduced yields of -3 1/2+f6 grits. The recommended level of each variable for desired yield and characteristic of specific fractions is given. The experiments were made with a No. 0 Beall degerminator fitted with three screens and driven by a 10-h.p. motor. The corn was tempered at room temperature; no second temper was used.