Cereal Chem 41:16 - 21. | VIEW
Effect of Parboiling on the Swelling Quality of Rice.
P. P. Kurien, R. R. Murty, H. S. R. Desikachar, and V. Subrahmanyan. Copyright 1964 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The swelling rates and the expansion ratios during cooking of parboiled rice were lower than those of raw rice. Raw rice required cooking for l5-20 min., while parboiled rice required 30-40 min. to attain a soft consistency. At this stage of cooking the average length, breadth, volume, and weight of the cooked parboiled grains were generally greater than the corresponding values for cooked raw rice. The importance of an optimum steaming period to obtain a balance between swelling quality and increased yield of head rice has been emphasized. The data also indicated minor alterations in the dimensions of the milled grains as a result of the parboiling treatment.