Cereal Chem 41:149 - 156. | VIEW
A Comparison of Active Dried Yeast Produced in Different Areas of the World.
N. E. Stacey. Copyright 1964 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Five active dried yeasts, produced in Canada, the United States, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, have been examined. The gas production rates and baking performance by three methods were determined, both initially and after storage at 115 F. for 4 days. Three yeasts showed a fall and two a rise in gas production rate as a result of this storage. The three yeasts that showed a fall in gas production rate after storage at 115 F. had higher initial rates and gave better loaf volumes than the remaining two. Highly significant correlations were found between rate of gas production and loaf volume for no-time dough and sponge-and-dough systems, but not for a straight-dough system. It is suggested that rate of gas production is a more sensitive index than loaf volume of the stability of the yeasts to the high-temperature storage conditions imposed.