Cereal Chem 41:365 - 374. | VIEW
Investigations on Synthetic Cereal Species. Milling, Baking, and Some Compositional Characteristics of Some "Triticale" and Parental Species.
A. M. Unrau and B. C. Jenkins. Copyright 1964 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Combination of the rye and durum wheat genomes gives rise to a synthetic species (hexaploid Triticale), the seed of which shows the influence of the two parental genomes. Flour yields of Triticale varieties were intermediate. In some cases, yellow pigment content was as high as that found in durum. Protein content of Triticale was generally rather high, and appears to reflect the influence of the rye genome. The protein quality with respect to baking potential was very low. As much as 40 to 50% of the Triticale flour could be blended with a strong flour such as that obtained from Pembina, a hard red spring wheat, and reasonable loaf volumes could still be obtained. Combination of the rye genome with that of the common bread wheat genome (Triticum aestivum syn. T. vulgare) gives rise to octaploid Triticale. This synthetic species showed the influence of the T. aestivum genome in that a flour with better baking quality was obtained. The high protein content of the octaploid Triticale can be attributed to the influence of the rye genome. The vitreous texture and morphological appearance of the seed indicated the stronger influence of the T. aestivum genome in these particular characteristics.