Cereal Chem 41:375 - 385. | VIEW
Physicochemical Studies of the Acid Hydrolysis of Corn Starch.
W. G. Hunt, F. T. Henzler, and E. A. Sowell. Copyright 1964 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
In the production of thin-boiling starches, the physical properties of starch pastes are modified by acid treatment in the granule state so as to obtain certain desired characteristics; this degree of modification is followed by viscometric measurement of an alkali fluidity type. With measurements of this sort, little information is obtained concerning molecular dimensions or concentrations of the various components in heterogeneous pastes. Sedimentation patterns at various solute concentrations of a series of thin-boiling starches were made, using a Spinco Model E ultracentrifuge. From these patterns estimations of concentration, sedimentation, heterogeneity, and concentration dependence of sedimentation were obtained for amylose and amylopectin fractions of these fluidity starches. Diffusion constants were measured at a 1% solute concentration on the A and B fractions of these starches using a Tiselius electrophoresis cell.