Cereal Chem 41:401 - 405. | VIEW
Changes in Some Properties of the Aleurone Cell Layer Caused by Steam-Conditioning.
D. H. Waggle, M. M. MacMasters, and A. B. Ward. Copyright 1964 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Dispersibility of the protein of the aleurone cell layer was significantly and progressively decreased by conditioning temperatures of 60 C. and greater. Intensity of staining of the aleurone cell layer of Ottawa hard red winter wheat with aniline blue, fast green, methyl green, and acridine red, respectively, was found to be visibly increased by steam-conditioning to 60 C., and further increased as the conditioning temperature was raised to 70 C. Protein dispersibility was more sensitive than staining as an indication of changes occurring in the aleurone cell layer as the result of steam-conditioning.