Cereal Chem 41:502 - 513. | VIEW
Evaluation of Durum Wheat and Durum Products. II. Separation and Identification of the Sitosterol Esters of Semolina.
K. A. Gilles and V. L. Youngs. Copyright 1964 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A fundamental study of the composition of the lipids of Triticum durum and T. vulgare wheats is described. For comparative purposes, the study was expanded to include the ground endosperm of several types of seeds. Qualitative analysis, which was facilitated by means of column, thin-layer, and gas-liquid chromatography, indicated major differences in the sitosterol ester fractions. Sitosteryl palmitate was found to be substantially absent in the milled products of T. durum. A method of quantitative chemical analysis was developed which employed thin-layer chromatography in conjunction with a photo photometer. The quantitative technique has been successfully employed not only for the analysis of sitosteryl esters, but in addition, it has been found useful for the detection and estimation of the presence of other cereal grains in semolina.