Cereal Chem 42:15 - 24. | VIEW
Barley Starch. II. Some Properties of Barley Starch.
K. J. Goering and D. L. Brelsford. Copyright 1965 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The price of barley in Montana suggests that it might be competitive with other cereals for starch production, but very little information is available. Starch was prepared from a number of varieties to study the effect of method of preparation as well as variety on starch properties. Solubility and swelling power were measured on five varieties. A detailed study, including Brabender curves, was made on Compana starch, since this variety of barley comprises 75% of Montana production. By selection of variety it appears possible to obtain a wide range in swelling power and solubility. Compana starch prepared by the alkali process shows exceptional resistance to the action of alpha-amylase. This appears to be due to the action of calcium ion on esterified phosphate. This is the first finding of esterified phosphate in a cereal starch.