Cereal Chem 42:25 - 36. | VIEW
Studies on the Dynamics of Cake-Baking. II. The Interaction of Chlorine and Liquid in the Formation of Layer-Cake Structure.
J. T. Wilson and D. H. Donelson. Copyright 1965 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The quality of Kissell Research Formula layer cakes has been shown to be influenced among other things by chlorine dosage used on the flour, and by liquid level used in the batter. The present study is concerned with the interaction of these two factors. A response surface type of design was used, and cakes were assigned numerical scores for volume, structure, and contour. Volume and structure data indicated a simple relationship between independent variables, i.e., chlorine dosage and liquid level. When desirable contour was also required, complications arose. Acceptable cakes could be obtained: 1) with moderate chlorine dosage and rather high liquid levels, in which case contour was relatively insensitive to liquid level, or 2) with heavy chlorine dosage but moderate liquid levels, in which case contour was very sensitive to liquid level.