Cereal Chem 42:125 - 139. | VIEW
Effect of Moisture Content of Wheat and Flour on Endosperm Breakdown and Protein Displacement.
N. L. Kent. Copyright 1965 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The proportion of low-protein (intermediate particle size) air-classified fraction in flour roller-milled from three types of hard wheat and two of soft wheat increased progressively when wheat moisture content was raised over the range 14 to 23%. Proportions of high-protein (fine particle size) and low-protein (intermediate) fractions in hard wheat flours after grinding in a pinned-disk mill were similarly augmented, and the degree of protein shifting was increased, by raising the moisture content at which the wheat was roller-milled. Proportions of fine and intermediate air-classified fractions of hard wheat flours, the fine fraction of soft wheat flours, and the degree of protein shifting in hard and soft wheat flours were augmented when the moisture content of the flour fed to the pinned-disk grinder was reduced over the range 23 to 8%. Protein content of these fractions increased with decreasing flour moisture content over the range 23 to 14%, but was unaffected by moisture change within the range 14 to 8%.