Cereal Chem 42:515 - 522. | VIEW
Studies on Short- and Long-Mixing Flours. III. Mixing Properties, Protein and Lipid Composition of Various Fractions.
D. E. Smith and J. D. Mullen. Copyright 1965 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Short-mixing Willet and long-mixing Rodco wheat flours of similar protein contents were separated into fractions of various particle sizes. Farinograph mixing properties, solubility and electrophoretic composition of the proteins, and free and bound lipid content of these fractions were determined. Mixing requirements of the fractions varied considerably and increased as their protein contents increased. All of the Willet series fractions, however, were shorter-mixing than the Rodco series fractions of comparable protein content. Major differences in protein solubility characteristics were: between the series, the higher acid solubility of the Willet gluten proteins; within each series, the greater salt solubility of the proteins in the lower protein fractions. In both series, moving-boundary electrophoretic analyses of fractions showed small differences in the acid-soluble proteins and large differences in the salt-soluble proteins. Ether-soluble lipid increased as the protein content of the fractions increased. Bound lipid, as measured by the difference between the acid hydrolysate and the ether extract, was essentially constant for all of the flour fractions, regardless of their protein content.