Cereal Chem 42:533 - 538. | VIEW
The Nutritional Value of Wheat Milling By-Products for the Growing Chick. II. Evaluation of Protein.
N. A. G. Cave, J. D. Summers, S. J. Slinger, and G. C. Ashton. Copyright 1965 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the protein of a series of wheat by-product fractions and of wheat germ meal. Growth of chicks was relatively rapid when they were fed either wheat shorts or wheat germ meal diluted with 50% of a corn-soybean ration. The carcass fat content of the chicks fed wheat bran rations similarly diluted was relatively low and the protein content relatively high; those fed middlings rations were relatively low in protein content; chicks fed shorts rations were intermediate in composition between these extremes. Values for net protein utilization (NPU) of the wheat by-products, when fed to chicks in equicaloric, equiprotein diets, did not correlate well with weight gains; values for shorts were highest and for bran were lower; the sample of wheat germ meal used in the second experiment had a very low NPU value. The value of the protein of all wheat by-products, except the brans and wheat germ meal, compared favorably with methionine-supplemented soybean meal.