Cereal Chem 42:569 - 572. | VIEW
The Stability of Pyridoxine Added to Cereals.
W. R. Bunting. Copyright 1965 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The retention of natural plus added vitamin B6 was 90 to 95% in corn meal and 100% in macaroni on shelf storage for 1 year at 100 F. and 50% relative humidity. When corn meal was cooked to corn bread, 100% of the vitamin B6 was recovered. When macaroni was cooked, about 50% of the vitamin B6 was found in the cooked macaroni and 50% in the drained cooking water. This loss of vitamin B6 in the drained water is similar to the loss of thiamine in the cooking of enriched macaroni.