Cereal Chem 44:1 - 7. | VIEW
A Method for the Detection and Estimation of Aflatoxin in Fungal Fermentation Products.
L. J. Denault and L. A. Underkofler. Copyright 1967 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A procedure representing a rapid method for determining the possible presence of aflatoxin in fungal fermentation products such as enzyme preparations has been evaluated. Thin-layer chromatography on silica gel of the chloroform extracts from seven different commercial fungal enzymes all showed a fluorescing spot having an Rf higher than aflatoxin B1. The ultraviolet and infrared spectra of this component differ from those of aflatoxin B1. This component also differs from aflatoxin B1 in that it does not give a fluorescing derivative with formic acid in the presence of thionyl chloride. The data show that aflatoxin is not present in any of the fungal enzyme preparations tested.