Cereal Chem 44:39 - 47. | VIEW
Extensive Analyses of Flours and Millfeeds Made from Nine Different Wheat Mixes. I. Amounts and Analyses.
E. P. Farrell, A. Ward, G. D. Miller, and L. A. Lovett. Copyright 1967 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Samples of flour, bran, shorts, red dog, and germ were milled from five hard red winter wheats, two hard red spring wheats of different origins and protein contents, a soft red winter wheat from Indiana, and a Western white wheat from Washington. Long runs gave valuable production data. The blended samples of wheat, flour, and the four millfeeds have been analyzed for protein, ash, moisture, crude fat, crude fiber, starch, bulk density, and size (by sieving). Data for amino acids, vitamins, and minerals are reported in another paper.