Cereal Chem 44:70 - 77. | VIEW
Amino Acid Composition of Heat-Processed Soymilk and Its Correlation with Nutritive Value.
L. R. Hackler and B. R. Stillings. Copyright 1967 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Investigations were made to evaluate the effect of heat-processing time and temperature on changes in amino acids of soymilk protein and, also, to evaluate the possible correlation of essential amino acid index and requirement index with nutritional value as measured in vivo. Two processing temperatures (93 and 121 C.) were studied. Also investigated was the effect of spray-drying inlet temperature on the amino acids of soymilk. The results indicate that soymilk heat-processed for as long as 4 hr. at 93 C. caused no significant changes in amino acid composition. On the other hand, decreases in some of the amino acids (especially cystine) were observed when the processing temperature of 121 C. was used. Furthermore, it was found that spray-drying inlet temperature is critical, and that the amino acids destroyed during spray-drying are different from those observed when soymilk was heated at 121 C. It is quite apparent from the results that heat-processing conditions must be carefully controlled to produce soymilk of highest nutritional quality.