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Cereal Chem 44:95 - 99.  |  VIEW ARTICLE
Some Changes in No. 2 Corn Stored Two Years at Moisture Contents of 14.5 and 15.2% and Temperatures of 12, 20, and 25 C.

C. M. Christensen. Copyright 1967 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc. 

Samples of No. 2 corn stored at 14.5% moisture content (m.c.) retained essentially their original condition, as judged by appearance, invasion by storage fungi, germination percentage, and final fat acidity value, when kept at 12 C. for 2 years, and changed only slightly in 1.5 years at 20 C. In the samples kept at 15.2% m.c., changes in the characteristics measured were slight in 6 months at 12 C. but appreciable after 2 years. Differences in condition of the samples kept at 14.5 and 15.2% m.c. and 20 C. were relatively large after 1 to 2 years. The samples stored at 25 C. deteriorated rapidly at both moisture contents.

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