Cereal Chem 44:427 - 435. | VIEW
Studies of Gluten Lipids. I. Distribution of Lipids in Gluten Fractions Separated by Solubility in 70% Ethanol.
J. G. Ponte, Jr., V. A. De Stefanis, and R. H. Cotton. Copyright 1967 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Lipids extracted from flour and gluten by benzene-ethanol (1:1, v.:v.) had similar distributions as estimated by quantitative thin-layer chromatography. "Protein aggregates" (Cereal Chem. 42:409; 1965), a poorly soluble fraction separated from 0.05N acetic-acid dispersions of gluten by centrifugation, had a lipid distribution comparable to that of both flour and gluten. Gliadin and glutenin, fractionated from gluten dispersions (after removal of aggregates) by the "classic" procedure involving 70% ethanol, had entirely different lipid distributions: gliadin lipids contained 75% polar material and 6% triglycerides; glutenin lipids had 24% and 58%, respectively, of these components. Flour lipids, by comparison, contained 46% polar material and 37% triglycerides. The possibility is considered that differences between gliadin and glutenin lipids may have been due to lipid relocation during the gluten fractionation procedure.