Cereal Chem 44:584 - 591. | VIEW
Immunochemical Comparisons of Antigenic Proteins of Durum and Hard Red Spring Wheats.
C. C. Nimmo and M. T. O'Sullivan. Copyright 1967 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Protein components of a hard red spring and a durum wheat were compared by immunochemical methods, including immunoelectrophoretic analysis (IEA). Each protein component of one wheat type showed reaction of identity with a protein component of similar migration rate in the other type. Among the gliadins and salt-soluble proteins examined, no components unique to one type were found. Agarose gels at pH 8.1 (barbital buffer) and pH 3.1 (aluminum lactate buffer), with or without 3M urea, were used for IEA. Interrupted-trough IEA was the most useful method in comparing the components. Results of antibody absorption tests and modified Osserman IEA supported the conclusions. The results suggest that the proteins of the two wheat types are qualitatively matched; they also support others' conclusions that baking- quality differences among wheats must be related to factors other than individual protein differences.