Cereal Chem 44:669 - 674. | VIEW
Lipid Distribution in the Protein Matrix of Wheat Endosperm As Observed by Electron Microscopy.
H. L. Seckinger and M. J. Wolf. Copyright 1967 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Free and bound lipids were extracted from hard red spring wheat flour. Electron micrographs of the protein matrix show the effect of various solvent extractions. Free lipids were distributed throughout the protein matrix rather than in distinct bodies. Bound lipids, however, appeared in small inclusions throughout the protein matrix and are assumed to be remnants of cytoplasmic structures occurring in endosperm cells at maturity. No difference was observed in the protein matrix which would suggest that it could be separated into wedge protein and a lipid-rich, fibrous, adhering protein fraction.