Cereal Chem 45:66 - 72. | VIEW
Studies with Radioactive Tracers. XII. Further Investigations on the Neutral Extracts from Bread Baked with Sucrose-14C.
C. C. Lee and Y. H. Liau. Copyright 1968 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The neutral fractions from the 70% ethanolic extracts of the crumb and crust of bread made by the straight- dough method with 5% sucrose-14C have been subjected to further investigations. By means of paper chromatography in conjunction with acidic and enzymatic hydrolyses, it was demonstrated that some residual sucrose was present in the crumb extract. Evidence was also obtained indicating that the glucose and fructose derived from the sucrose could undergo degradation as well as condensation or polymerization to give disaccharides and oligosaccharides. The fact that glucose could undergo transformation to these higher saccharides more readily than fructose was suggested as at least in part responsible for the presence of more residual fructose than glucose in the finished bread.