Cereal Chem 45:73 - 79. | VIEW
Studies with Radioactive Tracers. XIII. The Fate of Starch-14C During Breadmaking.
C. C. Lee and Y. H. Liau. Copyright 1968 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
When bread was made by the straight-dough method with some uniformlly labeled starch-14C included in the baking formula, only about 1.2% of the activity was recovered as volatile materials. Allowance for the possible losses of volatiles gave an estimate of a maximum of about 3% of the starch being fermented to volatile compounds. Extraction and fractionation studies showed the conversion of some of the starch to soluble dextrin as well as to basic, acidic, and neutral materials soluble in 80% alcohol. Paper- chromatographic examination of the neutral fraction of the alcoholic extracts indicated the presence of substantial amounts of active maltose with only a very minute quantity of active glucose. It was postulated that the chief source of residual glucose in the fermented dough was not starch but was the sucrose originally present in the baking formula. Chromatographic data also suggested that the oligosaccharides in the fermented dough might undergo further hydrolytic degradations during the process of baking.