Cereal Chem 45:88 - 94. | VIEW
Wheat Starches. II. Effect of Polar and Nonpolar Lipid Fractions on Pasting Characteristics.
D. G. Medcalf, V. L. Youngs, and K. A. Gilles. Copyright 1968 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Wheat starch was extracted with solvents of varying polarity. Pasting properties of the extracted starch were determined by the carboxymethyl cellulose-amylograph technique. Differences in the pasting characteristics of samples extracted with different solvents compared to the control were relatively small. However, the data suggested that polar and nonpolar lipids exhibited different effects on the pasting properties of starch. This was confirmed by reimpregnating defatted starch with polar and nonpolar lipid fractions. The pasting properties of defatted starch reimpregnated with polar lipids showed reduced viscosity on both steps of the pasting curve. Defatted starch reimpregnated with nonpolar lipids showed relatively little change in the first step in the pasting curve, but a significant increase in maximum peak height.