Cereal Chem 45:133 - 139. | VIEW
Assessing Wheat Quality with Breads Prepared by Two Formulations.
R. H. Matthews, C. C. Fifield, and T. F. Hartsing. Copyright 1968 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A comparative study was made on home- and laboratory-type breads prepared from the same flour samples milled from wheats of known history and stored for different times up to 1 year. Bread was scored for aroma, flavor, tenderness, and eveness of grain by a taste panel composed of men and women. Aroma and flavor scores were usually similar for the two types of bread. During the 12-month storage of the wheat, home-type breads had better grain texture and were more tender than laboratory-type breads. Specific volumes of home-type breads were lower than those of laboratory-type breads during the course of this study. Other physical measurements of flours and home-type doughs and breads are discussed.