Cereal Chem 45:242 - 253. | VIEW
Gliadin Proteins from Different Varieties of Wheats.
F. R. Huebner and J. A. Rothfus. Copyright 1968 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Protein compositions of gliadin fractions from several varieties of common, durum, and club wheats were compared by column chromatography on sulfoethyl cellulose and by starch-gel electrophoresis. Compositional differences among the wheats studied were greatest between varieties representing different classes and least between varieties of the same class. Two hard red winter wheats, Red Chief, a poor- baking-quality wheat, and Comanche, a good-quality wheat, showed only a few significant differences. All varieties analyzed contained proteins analogous to the gamma(1)-gliadin of Comanche. In addition, several other components from different classes of wheat had nearly identical chromatographic and electrophoretic properties. Compared to gliadin from Comanche (Triticum aestivum, ssp. vulgare), the gliadin of Omar, a club wheat (T. aestivum, ssp. compactum), contained a larger number of beta-gliadins and fewer alpha- gliadins, whereas gliadin from Lakota, a durum wheat (T. durum), differed primarily by having at least three additional gamma-gliadinlike components. Differences among varieties in the quantitative distribution of proteins were also noted. Amino acid analysis of isolated components from different varieties showed that gamma(1)-gliadins have nearly identical amino acid compositon. A gamma-gliadin from Lakota and gamma(3)-gliadin from Red Chief also have nearly the same amino acid content.