Cereal Chem 45:280 - 285. | VIEW
A Note on the Influence of High-Vacuum Drying on the Starch of Canadian Wheat Flours.
P. C. Williams and I. Hlynka. Copyright 1968 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
A series of flours covering a wide range of flour types encountered in Canada were dried under high vacuum in a freeze-dryer. When water or aqueous reagents were added rapidly to the dried flours, it was observed that the damaged-starch content of these dried flours was invariably higher than that of normal "as-is" flours. If the dried flours were allowed to regain equilibrium moisture content slowly, the damaged- starch content of these "rehumidified" flours was similar to that of normal flours. It was concluded that the increase in damaged-starch content was caused by the rapid addition of water to dry flours, which resulted in stresses, set up partly as a result of high local heats of hydration around the flour particles at the amount of additon of water, and partly as a result of volume changes taking place in flour particles as a result of temperature fluctuation and resorption of water.