Cereal Chem 45:445 - 453. | VIEW
The Release of Hydrogen Sulfide During Dough Mixing.
D. K. Mecham and M. M. Bean. Copyright 1968 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Doughs from 50 g. flour were mixed under nitrogen in a farinograph at 189 r.p.m. (3 x normal speed). In 30 min. at 30 C., hydrogen sulfide was released in amounts from 10 to 65 gamma when 16 flours of widely varied source and baking properties were compared. Four flours yielded less than 30 gamma and had very poor stability to mixing; but in the remaining flours the amounts of hydrogen sulfide released were not closely correlated with dough or baking properties. When temperature was increased to 44 C., the amounts of hydrogen sulfide released from two commercial flours (a hard red spring and a hard red winter) increased; when dough pH was lowered to about 5.0, less hydrogen sulfide was released. When 6% high- heat nonfat dry milk (NFDM) was added, doughs released somewhat more hydrogen sulfide; with low-heat NFDM, less hydrogen sulfide was released than with flour alone. Evidence was obtained that the hydrogen sulfide is not formed by microbiological activity.