Cereal Chem 45:520 - 529. | VIEW
Protein Concentrates by Dry Milling Wheat Millfeeds. II. Compositional Aspects.
D. A. Fellers, A. D. Shepherd, N. J. Bellard, A. P. Mossman, P. H. Johnston, and T. Wasserman. Copyright 1968 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Protein concentrate (PC) was prepared by dry-milling and sifting hard red spring wheat shorts of 9% moisture. The Protein Efficiency Ratio of the PC was 1.9, the same as the shorts from which the concentrate was prepared. Lysine content of the PC was 4.0 g./16 g. nitrogen (4.1 in the shorts). Thiamine, folic acid, and choline were concentrated in the PC. Riboflavin and vitamin B-6 were reduced slightly in the PC; niacin and pantothenic acid were decreased about 50%, compared to the original shorts. All these vitamins were present in the PC at 3 to 38 times the concentration found in white flour of 75% extraction. The iron content of the PC was 8.5 mg./100g., about 20% less than that of the starting shorts. Other minerals in the PC also were reduced. Moisture of shorts at the time of milling and sieve size for separation of PC's were investigated as factors affecting yield of PC and its content of protein, crude fiber, thiamine, riboflavin, and certain amino acids. Results indicate that many differing PC's can be produced with respect to both yield and nutritional qualities. Generally the PC's may be described as natural wheat food products, high in B vitamins and good-quality protein, and of moderate fiber content.