Cereal Chem 45:564 - 573. | VIEW
Preparation and Properties of Various Legume Starches.
T. J. Schoch and E. C. Maywald. Copyright 1968 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Special methods have been devised for the isolation of purified starches from the following seven legumes: lentil, yellow pea, navy bean, garbanzo, mung bean, lima bean, and wrinkled-seeded pea. The first four of these starches show restricted swelling patterns when pasted in water over the temperature range of 65-100 C.; they also give stabilized Brabender hot-paste viscosities similar to those of cross-bonded starches. These properties are attributed to a relatively high content (30-40%) of linear fraction in these starches. However, lima-bean starch (with a comparably high linear content) shows higher swelling during pasting, and gives a Brabender viscosity similar to that of corn starch. Wrinkled-pea starch (containing approximately 75% linear fraction) behaves similarly to high-amylose corn starch. The interrelations between granule swelling, fragility of the swollen granule, and hot-paste viscosity are discussed.