Cereal Chem 46:164 - 171. | VIEW
Amino Acid Composition and Nutritional Value of Milled Sorghum Grain Products.
F. K. Shoup, C. W. Deyoe, J. Campbell, and D. B. Parrish. Copyright 1969 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Nutritive values of milled products from sorghum grain were compared on the basis of amino acid composition and growth of rats. Endosperm products ranged from a soft white flour with 6.5% protein to a vitreous speckled product having 20.6% protein. Calculated on an equal nitrogen basis, nutritional value of protein in a bran-germ fraction was superior to both the original grain and the various endosperm fractions. The soft low-protein flours were higher in nutritive value than vitreous high-protein products. When whole grain and the various endosperm-containing diets were supplemented with lysine, an increase in growth resulted and protein efficiency of all diets was similar.