Cereal Chem 46:263 - 272. | VIEW
Albumins and Globulins in Extracts of Corn Grain Parts.
J. W. Paulis and J. S. Wall. Copyright 1969 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
Experiments were run to determine the nature of differences between water-soluble and saline-soluble proteins in parts of the corn kernel. Of several extractants tested, neutral 0.5M NaCl yielded the most protein from corn meal, and the protein gave the best starch-gel electrophoretic patterns. Extracts with this solvent were prepared from separate germ and endosperm portions of corn. Dialysis against distilled water separated these extracts of germ and endosperm into water-soluble albumins and globulin precipitates. Amino acid analysis of albumins and globulins from both germ and endosperm showed only small differences. Starch-gel electrophoresis demonstrated differences between albumin and globulin fractions both in endosperm and germ; however, patterns of endosperm and germ fractions were similar.