Cereal Chem 46:405 - 418. | VIEW
Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Alcohol-Denatured Soybean Proteins.
D. Fukushima. Copyright 1969 by the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc.
The effect of denaturation conditions on the enzymatic digestion of soybean proteins was studied. The maximum degree of hydrolysis was 5 to 10% higher in alcohol-denatured proteins as compared to water- denatured ones, although the initial speed of hydrolysis was slower in the former. During the denaturation treatments with both alcohol and water, and especially with water, some soybean flour oligosaccharides disappeared as the treatments continued. The maximum degree of hydrolysis also decreased with time of denaturation. However, it was ascertained that these oligosaccharides were not responsible for the decrease of maximum hydrolysis. Next, the effects of denaturation of soybean protein fractions on enzymatic digestibilities were examined and showed that the acid-precipitated fraction and whey fraction increased in their degree of maximum proteolysis after alcohol-denaturation, as compared with water-denaturation. The proteolytic behavior of the denatured proteins is discussed from the standpoint of the three-dimensional structure of soybean protein molecules.